About Westcoast Mill Services

Westcoast Mill Services LLC supplies Royal Cylinder products to customers of different industries. We also make sure to follow up our sales with quality and valuable servicing.

About Westcoast Mill Services


The Westcoast Mill Services facility is based in Rincon, Georgia. We work together with our customers to understand their business needs and their machinery. After all, the key to success is for us to understand exactly what they need. With this knowledge, we supply them with the right parts and develop a comprehensive program to meet their preventative maintenance goals.

We also provide high-quality on-site services for all Royal Cylinder products. Our goal is to make sure your production doesn’t drop due to faulty or old parts. Trust our experienced team to help you meet your goals with smooth-running machinery.


Only the Best


Customer service is our top priority, and we do everything in our power to make it the best experience possible. We won’t just sell you a cylinder; if you work with us, we’ll solve your problems and improve your operations.


Our cylinders are top quality and are properly inspected and tested before they’re sent to you. We also provide customer service support—should you need it—and will return your cylinder to its factory specifications.

Our purpose is to provide you with the right solution to your problems at the right price. Trust us to find you the perfect cylinder and exceed your expectations.